Who Handles Rock Chip Repairs in Lubbock, TX?

Who Handles Rock Chip Repairs in Lubbock, TX?

Auto Glass Co. will fix your windshield

It's happened to all of us. You're driving down the road, enjoying the weather and listening to music. Suddenly, a rock gets kicked up into your windshield. While you're happy the glass did its job in protecting you, you're also distracted by a chip in your line of sight. Many times, when your windshield gets chipped, you won't need to replace the entire windshield. Auto Glass Co. can repair a variety of windshield cracks, including:

  • Star-patterned
  • Flower-shaped
  • Bullseye-shaped

We offer rock chip windshield repairs for $49 in shop only. Call 806-744-5277 today to learn more about the repair process for your car's windshield.

Why should you get that rock chip repaired?

When a rock gets kicked up into your windshield and leaves a lasting mark, there are a number of reasons to have it fixed, including:

  • To prevent the chip from becoming a larger crack
  • To provide a better line of sight
  • To eliminate the possibility of it becoming discolored

Auto Glass Co. offers same day service, and your wait is usually less than half a day. Contact us today for reliable car windshield repairs in the Lubbock, TX area.